To cope with high temperatures and strong winds, Saudi Arabia launched “The line” plan The purpose of “The line’ is to reduce carbon emissions. “The line” plan has its benefits and limitations. Now the world has met with...
Green energy transition affects the economy, infrastructure and environment. The development of green technology boost the green energy transition. Developing countries are facing more urgent challenges than developed countries. Green energy also known as Renewable...
Clean energy generation is reliant on moderate solar, winds and hydrological activities. Extreme weathers caused by climate change disrupt the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Energy security is depending on the implementation of both...
Did you know that China is the largest producer of hydrogen? The largest volume of the hydrogen produced in China is mainly from fossil fuel and natural gas. This is however not the best way to use the hydrogen produced as it causes emissions into the atmosphere. The...
Electricity has become one of the most essential aspects of our day to day lives and it is often taken for granted. We often not think about electricity when it is on but when it is not available that is when we think about it. The blackout otherwise known as power...
Pole line hardware is materials or components that are used in the aerial construction of overhead power lines. They are used to hold equipment installed in place to prevent them from flowing to the earth. They include components such as guy clamps, anchor rod,...