Nowadays, our daily life cannot separate with electricity. The scientific researchers are trying to find a way to transmit or store the electrical power in an collective way. The electricity produced by nuclear power station or wind fan are scattered and has some...
Stay set is another name for stay rod. They are assemblies for connecting the stay wire to the earth anchor. Two types of stay rod are introduced in the following passage: bow type and tubular ones. The bow type stay set includes bow, rod, plate and thimble. The...
The Power System is a crucial part of our life. We use it everyday. However, how does it work? In other words, how does the power transform from power station to residents? In the following passage introduce the importance of the power system and states what is the...
Recently a new electrical project for using hydro power has taken into action. A big hydro power station was constructed near the Columbia River. However, this project was confronted with discontent form tribes and environmentalists. It is said that Electrical power...
Thanks to digitization, we are building a more robust and flexible electricity distribution network, capable of meeting the new needs of our customers and, at the same time, advancing in the electrification of the economy. To guarantee the proper functioning of the...
The electrical supply for a Data Center requires robust and comprehensive energy systems that guarantee the continuity and continuous operation of the electrical supply. Due to their particular characteristics and to ensure 24/7 continuity in the flow of electrical...